In this vignette we show how to detect quadratic phase coupling (QPC)
of one-dimensional or multi-dimensional real-valued time series by
or cross_bicoherence
of rhosa,
respectively. The first section gives an example applying
to the data from a simple model exhibiting QPC
at each frequency pair. In the second section we describe a generative
model of three channels with another kind of QPC revealed by
. The third section summarizes when and
why bicoherence
or cross_bicoherence
fails to
recognize a certain type of QPC.
We begin with importing rhosa:
Our first mathematical model, adapted from [1], is a superposition of six cosine curves of unit amplitude with different frequencies, named x1:
$$x_1(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{6} \cos(\lambda_i t + \varphi_i)$$
where, for each i = 1, 2, ..., 6, λi is given and fixed, namely
λ1 = 0.55; λ2 = 0.75; λ3 = λ1 + λ2; λ4 = 0.6; λ5 = 0.8; λ6 = λ4 + λ5.
On the other hand, we choose φi (i = 1, ..., 5) independently from the uniform variable of range [0, 2π), and define
φ6 = φ4 + φ5.
Note that the trigonometric identities implies
cos (λ6t + φ6) = cos ((λ4 + λ5)t + (φ4 + φ5)) = cos (λ4t + φ4)cos (λ5t + φ5) − sin (λ4t + φ4)sin (λ5t + φ5),
so cos (λ6t + φ6) is positively correlated with the product of cos (λ4t + φ4) and cos (λ5t + φ5). But cos (λ3t + φ3) is not correlated with the product of cos (λ1t + φ1) and cos (λ2t + φ2) in general as the phase φ3 is randomly assigned.
Once φis are chosen,
x1(t) is a
periodic function of t. So it
turns out that x1
is a (strictly) stationary stochastic process. The wave length of any
frequency component of x1 is shorter than 4π. Now consider sampling a
realization of x1
repeatedly during a fixed length of time, say 256. The sampling rate is
1. That is, the interval of consecutive samples is 1. The following R
code effectively simulates x1 as
triple_lambda <- function(a, b) c(a, b, a + b)
lambda <- c(triple_lambda(0.55, 0.75), triple_lambda(0.6, 0.8))
x1 <- function(k) {
init_phi <- runif(5, min = 0, max = 2*pi)
phi <- c(init_phi, init_phi[4] + init_phi[5])
function(t), Map(function(l, p) cos(l * t + p), lambda, phi))
observe <- function(f) {
sapply(seq_len(256), f)
N1 <- 100
m1 <-, Map(observe, Map(x1, seq_len(N1))))
Each column of matrix m1
in the last line represents a
realization of x1
. That is, we have taken 100 realizations
of x1 as
. Let’s plot them:
ith_sample <- function(i) {
data.frame(i = i, t = seq_len(256), v = m1[,i])
r1 <-, Map(ith_sample, seq_len(100)))
ggplot(r1) +
geom_line(aes(t, v)) +
facet_wrap(vars(i)) +
theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text.x = element_blank())
100 realizations of x1
A realization of x1 looks like:
The 256 time points in the first realization of x1
Its spectrum estimation shows peaks at six frequencies as expected:
The spectrum estimation of x1
Now we approximate x1’s bicoherence by
… and define an R function to plot the heat map of the estimated bicoherence:
heatmap_bicoherence <- function(bc) {
ggplot(bc) +
geom_raster(aes(f1, f2, fill = value)) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_alpha(guide = "none")
’s estimated bicoherence.
Note that the highest peak is at the bifrequency $(f_1, f_2) = (\frac{\lambda_5}{2 \pi}, \frac{\lambda_4}{2 \pi}) \approx (0.127, 0.095)$.
Another example of QPC consists of three channels, which accept series of periodic input signals and suffer from Gaussian noises. From a couple of the channels, say C1 and C2, we observe the summation of input and noises as their output. On the other hand the last channel, called C3, adds C1’s output multiplied by C2’s to its own input and noise.
The following block diagram shows the skeleton of our three-channel model.Here, assume that C1’s input is a triangle wave of a fixed frequency with varying initial phases. A rectangle wave of another frequency for C2’s input. A cosinusoidal curve of yet another frequency for C3’s input. Running the following code simulates the model.
Fcoef1 <- 1.2
Fcoef2 <- 0.7
Fcoef3 <- 0.8
i1 <- function(x, p) {2 * asin(sin(Fcoef1 * x + p))}
i2 <- function(x, p) {ifelse(cos(Fcoef2 * x + p) >= 0, -1, 1)}
i3 <- function(x, p) {cos(Fcoef3 * x + p)}
Qcoef <- 0.3
tc <- function(k) {
ps <- runif(3, min = 0, max = 2*pi)
function(x) {
c1 <- i1(x, ps[1]) + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 1)
c2 <- i2(x, ps[2]) + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 1)
c3 <- Qcoef * c1 * c2 +
i3(x, ps[3]) + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = 1)
data.frame(c1, c2, c3)
N2 <- 100
sample_tc <- function() {
Map(function(f) {f(seq_len(256))}, Map(tc, seq_len(N2)))
c1_data_frame <- function(y) {, Map(function(k) {y[[k]]$c1}, seq_len(N2)))
c2_data_frame <- function(y) {, Map(function(k) {y[[k]]$c2}, seq_len(N2)))
c3_data_frame <- function(y) {, Map(function(k) {y[[k]]$c3}, seq_len(N2)))
y1 <- sample_tc()
d1 <- c1_data_frame(y1)
d2 <- c2_data_frame(y1)
d3 <- c3_data_frame(y1)
That is, we obtain 100 series of data with 256 points. To be specific, C1’s triangle wave has cycle $\frac{2 \pi}{1.2}$, the cycle of C2’s rectangle wave is $\frac{2 \pi}{0.7}$, and the one of C3’s cosinusoidal wave is $\frac{2 \pi}{0.8}$.
C1’s output looks like:
A sample path of d1
And C2’s output:
A sample path of d2
C3’s output:
A sample path of d3
Their spectrum estimation show significant peaks at expected frequencies:
The spectrum estimation of C1.
The spectrum estimation of C2.
The spectrum estimation of C3.
It is expected that C3’s bicoherence shows no outstanding pair of frequencies as C3 does not have any big component of frequency $\frac{1.2}{2 \pi}$ nor $\frac{0.7}{2 \pi}$, but of frequency $\frac{0.8}{2 \pi}$ and $\frac{1.2+0.7}{2 \pi}$ only:
’s estimated bicoherence.
Now we calculate the estimated cross-bicoherence between C1, C2, and C3 by
, and plot the heat map of the
cb123 <- cross_bicoherence(d1, d2, d3)
heatmap_cross_bicoherence <- function(cb) {
ggplot(cb) +
geom_raster(aes(f1, f2, fill = value)) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_alpha(guide = "none")
#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#> ℹ Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.
The estimated cross-bicoherence between C1, C2, and C3.
Notice the high values around bifrequencies $(f_1, f_2) = (\frac{1.2}{2 \pi}, \frac{0.7}{2 \pi}) \approx (0.191, 0.111)$ and $(f_1, f_2) = (\frac{1.2}{2 \pi}, -\frac{0.7}{2 \pi}) \approx (0.191, -0.111)$. It means that the QPC in the model is correctly identified.
How about changing the order of cross-bicoherence’s arguments? Let’s estimate the one between C3, C1, and C2:
cb312 <- cross_bicoherence(d3, d1, d2)
#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#> ℹ Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.
The estimated cross-bicoherencde between C3, C1, and C2.
Now the pairs of frequencies $(f_1, f_2) = (\frac{1.2-0.7}{2 \pi}, -\frac{1.2}{2 \pi}) \approx (0.080, -0.191)$ and $(f_1, f_2) = (\frac{1.2+0.7}{2 \pi}, -\frac{1.2}{2 \pi}) \approx (0.302, -0.191)$ are in highlights.
Using the three-channel model in the previous section, let’s see some examples of QPC which does not exhibit a higher value of the coupling bifrequency in problem.
The most straightforward reason of invisible QPC is the weakness of
the coupling strength. It is reproducible by taking a small
in our model.
Qcoef <- 0.01
y2 <- sample_tc()
cb2 <- cross_bicoherence(c1_data_frame(y2), c2_data_frame(y2), c3_data_frame(y2))
#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#> ℹ Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.
The case of weak coupling.
Another reason of undetectable QPC is that the coupling bifrequency
is in the outside of the region sufficiently sampled. The following
example demonstrates that the f1
of the bifrequency almost
equals to the Nyquist frequency. If Fcoef1
exceeds π, it will be no longer
Fcoef1 <- pi - 0.1
Fcoef2 <- 2.3
Fcoef3 <- 1.5
Qcoef <- 0.3
y3 <- sample_tc()
cb3 <- cross_bicoherence(c1_data_frame(y3), c2_data_frame(y3), c3_data_frame(y3))
#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#> ℹ Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.
The case of nearly-Nyquist frequency of f1
Last but not least, undersampling also ends up with missing QPC. If
the number of samples N2
is too small, we cannot
distinguish the coupling bifrequency from the others.
Fcoef1 <- 1.2
Fcoef2 <- 0.7
Fcoef3 <- 0.8
Qcoef <- 0.3
N2 <- 10
y4 <- sample_tc()
cb4 <- cross_bicoherence(c1_data_frame(y4), c2_data_frame(y4), c3_data_frame(y4))
#> Warning: Raster pixels are placed at uneven horizontal intervals and will be shifted
#> ℹ Consider using `geom_tile()` instead.
The case of insufficient sample.
Using numerical simulation of time series of stationary stochastic
processes, we have demonstrated that rhosa’s bicoherence
and cross_bicoherence
can suggest the bifrequencies of
potential QPC. Although some assumptions on the time series,
e.g. stationarity, must be satisfied for accurate estimation, there is
no additional cost except for the computing time if the first-order
spectral analysis has been adopted already. The API lowers the barrier
preventing from applying the bispectral analysis to time series for an
exploratory purpose. Considering appropriate generative models helps
interpretation of the result obtained from the analysis.
[1] Petropulu, A.P., 1994. Higher-Order Spectra in Biomedical Signal Processing. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, Galveston, TX, USA, 27-30 March 1994 27, 47–52.